Congrats, you graduated from the Acapella App…

**This blog post was written by Guest Contributor Brennish Thomson, of Studio23 and Your Heaven Audio. Contact Brennish using the info at the bottom of the post, or hit him up for a fiddle/guitar/audio engineering/photography lesson on our Lessons page.**

Hey All! 

Making videos for Facebook, Instagram and other social media has quickly become the new norm in these wild times, so I threw together this handy list of content to help sort some of the most common woes. Below I’ve covered syncing audio and video from two separate sources, simple upgrades to improve video and audio quality for web use, and some other generally useful links to up your production value! Hope you find this list helpful. Go forth and CREATE!

Syncing Video and Audio:

Here are a few comprehensive links to help you navigate the (sometimes daunting) task of syncing together video and audio from two separate sources! A good clap while rolling both your audio and video will give you a great spot to manually align your clips should you not have an editor capable of doing so automatically.

●      Adobe Premiere Pro:

●      Apple Final Cut Pro X:

●      Apple iMovie:          

Audio Hardware:

For good audio, you need a good mic! Different tasks require different tools though, so I’ve covered a few different effective mics to suit your needs.

If you’re looking for a good starter mic that is a simple plug-and-play solution (without the need for a fancy audio interface) that’ll record anything that makes a noise, look no further than the Blue Snowball USB Microphone. It comes with everything you need to start streaming & recording high-quality audio into any USB-equipped PC or Mac. They also sell a souped-up version that includes gain controls, mute switch, headphone out, additional recording modes and more called the Blue Yeti USB Microphone

Another great solution (and a shameless plug) if you’re looking to stream, record or perform with studio-quality sound on Violin, Cello, Mandolin, Guitar & more is the CloseUp System from Your Heaven Audio. Simply profile your instrument with the included instructions, and you’ll be sending out clear, flat sound straight into your computer via USB. No interface or engineering degree required. It wont record that toddler screaming in the background or your flatmate cooking dinner either, just your instrument as it was meant to be heard. Check them out!

General info:

For any further questions, feel free to contact me (Brennish Thomson) via the email below or feel free to post on the Your Heaven Audio Forums where we’ll do our best to help! 

Links and info compiled by Brennish Thomson. Additional resources by Studio23 & Your Heaven Audio.



Bandcamp Day (May 1st)!


All About Acapella App